I am building a triangle watch these two videos. This device is supoose to render inert the Nano Technology. https://youtu.be/iIoM0_VNyP0?si=4yCJH858x_THw4Ye https://firemedic8.substack.com/p/why-the-pulsed-tech-works


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No one has ever got entirely rid of the nano from the triangle or bucket.

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Hi Flea, Yes I imagen that may be so because everything and everyone is infected in the biosphere. Yet we are still alive thinking and working on it. We have survived 30 years of this continous onslaught and probably I am off by another 20 years. If you seen my last substack you know what I am doing. Everyday there are more scientists that took the bioweapon and now are conscious of what these bastards have done. One will get pissed enough and be the next Tesla. RR

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Yeah tony hasn't improved since inventing these devices. I gave my bucket away years ago to a dude with black legs and went with the body oiling and scraping method, I wonder what part of the world you are in replying to me so quickly😂👍

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Flea do you have a link to body oiling and scraping method. Thats new to me. RR

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No link because it would be nudity😂😂😂 so you lightly oil yourself with olive oil, you need to let the olive oil soak up and get tacky, then apply another layer and let that tack off. You then do a bath with big amounts of "pool salt" which you can purchase in 20kg bags cheaply at depo stores( people use this salt in pools instead of chlorine ) You use a butter knife of sharp blade to then scrape the skin which removes the tacky oil. In the the oil will be a mixe of the polymer, the oil will be grey and tacky. You keep soaking and more oil and nano and polymer will be released and you do another body scrap and remove. Keep going as long as you can in the bath water then get out of the bath and towel dry and apply more oil. This time because the salt has made the skin dry the oil will absorb even better. you just keep doing this. At peak I was doing the oiling 6x a day and bathing 3x a day and eventually the nanotech started releasing and coming out of my legs thru holes that were incredibly painful and took along time to heal. I hope this makes sense?

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Flea I do pray for you and all those that are severly affected by this demonic distrofia. Can I ask you a personal question? What gender are you? Most of my contacts are female with severe problems. RR

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Spain Tropical coast. Flea do you have any contacts in South America to get my substack started there? RR

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I'm in NZ buddy that's why I'm awake😂, it's a quarter to ten here. Dude I can't get anyone around me to wake up to this level and understand the nanotech, that's why I browse comments looking for others who comprehend ( which i find here on substack ) I've been at this since 2016 and it scared the living crap out of me. I've managed to wake everyone around me up to not be vaxxed ( mostly ) and to see the chemtrails ( mostly ) but no one has gotten any further than that. I'm at the stage where I walk around in public areas and I can see every little bit of nanotech in everyone, every symptoms, every effect.

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Yes, I was also surprised to see that many of us can't awaken those around us, only to the point of recognizing chemtrails. Initially, I was surprised by this, but after seeing what you see, that "I can see every little bit of nanotech in everyone, every symptom, every effect," I gave up trying. Those who are willing to go further find each other online. It's a sad statistic for our future.

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